Thursday 1 January 2015

Fundamental principal of genetics

Fundamental Principles of Genetics
(Biol/ MbioS 301, Spring 2003)
The following observations are listed roughly in the chronological order in which they were made. It should be helpful for you to track where we are in the course according to these principles and to try to understand the evidence for each. In a few cases, there are exceptions to these principles and it would be advisable to be aware of those.
Genes are inherited according to simple rules.
Genes are located on chromosomes.
Genes on the same chromosome tend to be passed on together.
Microorganisms, including bacteria and their viruses, can be convenient organisms for genetic research.
Genes direct the formation of enzymes.
DNA is the genetic material.
DNA is structured as a double helix.
DNA -----> RNA -------> protein
The expression of genes can be regulated by the binding of proteins to DNA.
Eukaryotes have greater genomic complexity than do prokaryotes (e.g., repeated DNA, introns, genome size).
The ability to analyze and manipulate genes has progressed dramatically.
Mutations in developmental control genes can provide insights into the process.
Allele frequencies and genotype frequencies are related, and can change in response to several factors.
Many important traits show complex inheritance, and the genetic influences on such traits can be analyzed both statistically and functionally.

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